Here index.js and blog directory are in same folder. It returns an array of file paths, buffers, or fs . Let's start with a simple method to get all files: function getAllFiles (dirPath) { fs.readdirSync (dirPath).forEach (function (file) { let filepath = path.join (dirPath , file); let stat= fs.statSync (filepath); if (stat.isDirectory ()) { getAllFiles (filepath); } else { (filepath+ '\n'); } }); } getAllFiles ('./temp'); Output: Node Recursively ANode traversing directory recursively with limited depth javascript how you get list the names all files read file tree like directories recursively jsNode Traversing Directory Recursively with. And if the item is a file, we simply append the file path to the arrayOfFiles array. depends; recommends; suggests; enhances; . With modern versions of Node.js, specifically 10 and above, you can achieve the same functionality with fs: Synchronously fs.mkdirSync('./path/to/my/directory', { recursive: true }) Asynchronously Get an array of all files in a directory and subdirectories. In this article, you will know how to get all files in directories and sub-directories with Node.js modules. // List all files in a directory in Node.js recursively in a synchronous fashion var walkSync = function(dir, filelist) { var fs = fs || require('fs'), files = fs.readdirSync(dir); filelist = filelist || []; files.forEach(function(file) { if (fs.statSync(dir + file).isDirectory()) { filelist = walkSync(dir + file + '/', filelist); } else { Other Packages Related to node-fs-readdir-recursive. server.js var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); function findFileByExt(folderPath, ext) { var files = fs.readdirSync(folderPath); Node.js provides fs.readdir () function to get all files present in a directory. Practical example Edit Project structure: xxxxxxxxxx 1 directory/ 2 one.txt 3 directory2/ 4 | two.json 5 directory3/ 6 three.html Code: xxxxxxxxxx 1 const fs = require('fs/promises'); 2 First, let's install it: $ npm install directory-tree Now, let's import it into our script and supply it with our directory's location: const dirTree = require ( "directory-tree" ); const tree = dirTree ( './files/' ); console .log (tree); The tree constant now contains the information we'd like to access. Below you can see how we can recursively loop through all the files in a given directory: import os for path, currentDirectory, files in os.walk ("/Users/darren/Desktop/test"): for file in files: print (os.path.join (path, file)) The fs.readdirSync () method is used to synchronously read the contents of a given directory. Most used recursive-readdir functions. Next, we loop over each item (file or directory) found by the readdirSync() function. Sometimes we require to read the contents of all files in a folder. getFiles(res) : res; })); return Array.prototype.concat( . You can pass your own directory path here. mkdir my-app cd my-app npm init Step 2: Create server.js file Make sure, you have add file on "uploads/" folder with some files path. Home Services Web Development . In this article, we would like to show you how to get all files from a directory (including subdirectories) in Node.js.. For example try node-dir to get exactly the output required by @crawf using this line of code: require ('node-dir').files (__dirname, function (err, files) { console.log (files); }); - Christiaan Westerbeek May 14, 2014 at 20:57 9 For anyone confused about the !-- syntax, a question has been asked about it - Tas Dec 17, 2015 at 0:40 2 path is the full path of the file or directory and stats is an instance of fs.Stats. Pass the directory path and callback function in fs.readdir (path, callbackFunction) Method. . Load all the required Nodejs Packages using "require". From the command-line, it's easy enough, just pass -p to mkdir and it will create all of the parent directories automatically. Consider the code below: The options argument can be used to change the format in which the files are returned from the method. files); } // Note that starting with node 11.15. you can use It lists all files and directories inside a directory recursively and returns an array of objects that each object has two properties: path and stats. log ( 'Error', err) } else { console. var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var walk = function(dir, done) { var results = []; fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err . The path.join ( ) function takes the current working directory and creates a full path to the directory from where you want to read the CSV files. I had the need to get all the files in a folder recursively. Installed Size Files; all: 3.6 kB: 16.0 kB [list of files] This page is also available in the following languages (How to set the default document language): So . Node.js fs.readdir () Method. To install this module, execute the following command in your terminal: npm install klaw-sync Currently, I can retrieve the files in the file passed in parameters. In this article, we would like to show you how to get all files from a directory (including subdirectories) in Node.js. async function getFiles(dir) { const dirents = await readdir(dir, { withFileTypes: true }); const files = await Promise.all( => { const res = resolve(dir,; return dirent.isDirectory() ? You can use loop through all the files and directories of the root folder, if it's a directory, then get inside it and repeat the process. Steps to get list of all the files in a directory in Node.js. Get code examples like "recursively get all files in a directory javascript" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. I will explain if I put in parameter "test" I retrieve the files in "test" but I would like to retrieve "test / 1 / *. I would like to retrieve the html files of each folder in the folder passed as a parameter. >npm -v 6.12.0 >tsc -v Version 3.7.2 >.\node_modules\.bin\cypress -v Cypress package version: 3.5.0 Cypress binary version: 3.5.0 >ver Microsoft Windows [Version 10..17763.805] cypress typescript Share Improve this question Follow edited Nov 29, 2019 at 1:08 asked Nov 23, 2019 at 18:20 RajKon 101 1 2 The best way I found to do that was to install the glob library: npm install glob I wanted to look for all files included in the content/post folder, each file being in its own directory structure, possibly under multiple subfolders: content/post/first/ npm install read-dir-files Usage var readDirFiles = require('read-dir-files'); readDirFiles.list('directory', function (err, filenames) { if (err) return console.dir(err); console.dir(filenames); });'directory', function (err, files) { if (err) return console.dir(err); console.dir(files); }); Get all directories recursive within directory with nodejs List directories in a path recursively using only NodeJS Recursively list all files in directory using promises without using fs.promises api Watch files and folders recursively with node js ( Also get info whenever changes ) Recursively search for string in directory nodejs Example~1: Node.js get recursively all files Input const glob = require ( 'glob' ) const targetDir = './subdirectory' glob (targetDir + '/**/*', (err, files) => { if (err) { console. Step-1: Import the fs and path modules Step-2: Join the target directory to the __dirname Step-3: Read the target directory's files Step-4: Execute the entry file Method-2: Use the readdirSync () method Node.js get all files in directory using the child_process module Option-1: Use a callback function Option-2: Use async-await Conclusion Now, the main challenge was to loop through all the folders/files asynchronously. Here are the contents of index.js file. Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. log (files) } }) Output It can be to pre-render static pages or for some other reason. Let us see how we can do that using Node.js. The method returns an array with all the file names or objects in the directory. If the parent directory contains sub-directories, you can scan those sub-directories to get files recursively. var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var walk = function(dir, done) { var results = []; fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err . It is used for reading the contents of a directory. Note: Check out this article for a practical example of using the code below - link. The files present in a directory can be displayed using two approaches in Node.js that are discussed below: Method 1: Using fs.readdirSync () method: The fs.readdirSync () is a method that is available in the file system module of Node.js. nodejs list all files in directory recursive Code Example var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var walk = function(dir, done) { var results = []; fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); var i = 0; (function next() { var file = list[i++]; if (!file) return done(null, results); The callback of this method returns an array of all the file names in the directory. Coding example for the question Get all files recursively in directories NodejS-node.js. recursive; rr; RecursiveReaddir; We cannot use forEach since it doesn't support async/await keyword. // First, read the current file sizes in build directory. Get the path of the directory using path.join () method. Recursively List All the Files in a Directory Using Node.js 504 Gateway Time-out Recursively reading a directory in node.js Recursively create directories with Node.js Get files recursive with the Node.js File System (FS) Node.js fs.readdir() Method Find the data you need here var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var walk = function(dir, done) { var results = []; fs.readdir(dir, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err . If the item is a directory, we have the function recursively call itself to get all of the files and sub-directories inside the given directory. // add all spec files to mocha recursive (SPEC_SOURCE_DIR, function (err, . Recursively read a directory. npm install node-dir example for reading files: var dir = require ('node-dir'); dir.readFiles (__dirname, function (err, content, next) { if (err) throw err; console.log ('content:', content); // get content of files next (); }, function (err, files) { if (err) throw err; console.log ('finished reading files:', files); // get filepath }); Here are the versions >node -v v12.13. This code results in: Step 1: Create Node App run bellow command and create node app. Synchronous version: The fs.readdir () method is used to asynchronously read the contents of a given directory.