placing hands on chest in salah hadith

[This saying was not found with an authentic chain], 12. Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (9/235), 7. quote. Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it? However, Mursal hadeeth is Hujjat according to Ahnaaf without any condition. [Mizaan al-Itidaal: Vol 3 Pg 244]. Abdul Baaqi bin Qaani himself is criticized of being Mukhtalat. Ibn Hajar = In Fath ul Baari (10/8), he said, all the narrators of the hadeeth narrated by Suelmaan are trustworthy. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Meaning, According to Ibn Hibbaan himself, the jarah on him is Baatil and Mardood. 2. This hadeeth is marfoo as is stated by the narrator Abu Haazim and who other than the Prophet could have given such an order? From this detail we come to know that Simaak bin Harb is declared to be Siqah, Sudooq, and Saheeh ul-Hadeeth by the Jumhoor of Muhadditheen. Now lets come and observe different routes of the narration under discussion, in light of this definition. classed as daeef (weak) by al-Nawawi, Ibn Hajar and others. The hadith about placing hands on chest in musnad ahmed. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Who is clenching the fist in these Hadiths? 4. " Not to delay the breaking of the fast [during Ramadan] 2. put the right hand over the left forearm when praying. Criticizm is not proven from some of them such as Bukhaari etc. According to a report narrated by Abu Abu Haazim said: I only know that this is attributed to the Prophet First of all can we agree that the hadith you refer to is #326 in the book of an-Nymawi? I've read in a Shafi'i book a 4th opinion which is that a-Shafi'i was of the opinion that leaving the hands free is the most prefered, but for those who are afraid of loosing concentration they should put the right hand on the left hand. He then placed his hands on his knees. In general, with regard to placing the right hand upon the left, it comes from the following narration: Qutaybah narrated to us; Ab al-Ahwas narrated to us; from Sammk bin Harb; from Qabsah bin Hulb; from his father [Hulb at-T] who said, The Messenger of Allaah (SAW) used to lead us in prayer and grasp his Haazim from Sahl ibn Sad al-Saaidi: The people were commanded to place the Zafar Ahmed Uthmaani said: And Mursal is Hujjat according to us. [Alaa us-Sunan: Vol 1 Pg 82]. A few such examples are given below: I declare this narration to be an exception from the Saheeh ahadeeth, because I do not think that Muhammad bin Ishaaq has directly heard this hadeeth from Muhammad bin Muslim, and he has commited Tadlees in it. [Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah: Vol 1 Pg 71] As for the As far as the difference of Ala Sadrih and Inda Sadrih in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah and Musand al-Bazzar is concerned, then this is not a kind of difference due to which we can reject the hadeeth, under discussion, by declaring it to be Mudtarib; because such a semantic difference is also found in the books of ahnaaf. As for the questioner, placing hands on stomach or chest is both permissible. Since Imam Bukhaari, Imam Muslim, Imam Ibn Khuzaymah, and Imam Ibn Hibban etc have affirmed that they will not take evidence from the Munqati narrations in thier books, thats why the muanan narrations of these books will be considered affirmed of having heard. The teacher of Khateeb Baghdaadi, Qaadhi Abul Alaa al-Waasiti is included among the students of Abu Muslim Abdur Rehmaan bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Mihraan bin Salamah Al-Thiqah Al-Saalih [Taareekh Baghdaad: 10/299]. The hadth of Wil bin Hujr (RA) reported by ibn Ab Shaybah, Musannaf, from Wak; from Ms bin Umayr; from Alqama bin Wail bin Hujr; from his father who said, I saw the Prophet (SAW) placing his right hand over his left below [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 4 Pg 225], Imam Dhahabi said: The Experts of the Field are agreed upon Sufyaan being Siqah and Hujjat, even though he used to do tadlees from Duafa. Thawr bin Yazeed bin Ziyaad al-Kalaaee Abu Khaalid Al-Hamsi: Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: I have not seen any Shaami more reliable than him, Ibn Sad said that he is Thiqah in Hadeeth, Ibn Adee said that when he narrates from Thiqah and sudooq narrator then accoding to my research there is nothing wrong in his narration, Imam Nasaaee and Imam Duhaym said that he is Thiqah, Imam Abu Haatim said that he is Sudooq and Hafidh, Imam Ibn Hibbaan has mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat, Molvi Khaleel ur-Rahmaan Saharanpoori Hanafi said that He is Thiqah Thabat, meaning Thiqah of the highest level. My opinion is that to putting them below the navel wouldn't be wrong, but one can choose to put them above the navel or on the chest. May Allaah make this treatise a means of guidance and Sadaqah Jaariyyah. And correct me if I am wrong;), As written, this is sorely lacking in any details and barely even answers the actual question. @Medi1Shah yes. The Imaam of the Hanafee Madhhab, Imaam Sarkhasee writes, Those mursal narrations which are of the 2nd and 3rd generations, according to our Hanafee Ulamaa are accepted as proof and evidence. (Stated in Kitaab al-Usool (1/360), likewise Noor al-Anwaar (p.150) also mentions the same). saheeh by al-Albaani in Tahqeeq Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah. Sulemaan bin Harb: He praised him [The reference has been passed under the criticizm of Sufyaan al-Faarsi], 5. I just want answer to this for knowledge I know this matter is broad in scope. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. 16. Centering layers in OpenLayers v4 after layer loading. Such a narrator is not Daeef accrding to Imam Ibn Hibbaan. Easiest way to remove 3/16" drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge? [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: Vol 4 Pg 222], Imam Sufyaan ibn Uyainah said: I did not see a person more well verse with Halal and Haraam than Sufyaan ath-Thawree. Certainly this hadeeth is Mursal. Al-Albaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in Sifat Salaat al-Nabi (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (The Prophets Prayer Described) p. 68: He would place his right hand over the back of his left hand, wrist and forearm, and he told his companions to do likewise. the prayer. Its narrator is Muhammad bin Ali Al-Maqri, who is not clarified. He has errors that would take too long to be mentioned. [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. With Due Praise to Allah, the manuscript of Ibn Khuzaymah has not only been found but it has also gone through the process of publication, and its publication has proved all the congectural and ideological guesses to be wrong. One may refer to classical Hanafi texts such as Nasbur-Rayah of Zailee (1/314), Al-Banaaya Fee Sharh Hidaayah (2/208) and others. know anything else that contradicts them.. Imam Yahya ibn Maeen said: He is Siqah.. Abdur Abdur Rahmaan said: I asked my Father about Muhammad bin al-Muthana, he said: He is Saalih ul-Hadeeth. The Hanafi Madh -hab The madh-hab of Imam Abu Hanifah has one single opinion without contradictions - man should place his hands below the navel in prayer and the woman upon her chest. Therefore, it is written in Ghareeb ul-Hadeeth by Al-Harbi (1/277) that:Az-Zaraa is the part from bottom of elbow to the top of middle finger, Moreover, this meaning is also written in the books of Lughat, for example See: Lisaan al-Arab: 8/93, Taaj ul-Uroos: 1/5217, Kitaab al-Ayn: 2/96, Al-Mujam al-Waseet: 1/311, Tahdheeb al-Lughah: 2/189, Kitaab al-Kulliyaat: 1/730, and others. Ibn Hibbaan = He mentioned him in Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (4/339) and said: He makes alot of Mistakes..Thawree and Shubah have narrated from him.. 2) Taqreer-e-Tirmidhi written by Ashraf Ali thanvi deobandi, Published by Idaara Taleefaat-e-Ashrafyah, Multan reviewed by Mufti Justice Taqi Usmani deobandi. that he attributed it to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be 12. Moreover, the Ghaali Muqallid Naimwi Hanafi in Athaar as-Sunan, Haashim as-Sindhi in Haashiah Miyaar al-Niqaad have also accepted this narration as Hassan Lidhatih. Haafidh Zubair Alee 22/9/1999. All rights reserved. 707). 3. That was narrated from 12. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. It would be beneficial. Some people object by saying that placing the hands over the zara doesnt necessarily means to place them over the full Zaraa. [Al-Istiyaab fi Marifatil Ashaab]. Sayyiduna Hulb (ra) relates, 'I saw the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) turn from both his right and left and I also saw him place this upon his chest.' When he intended to bow, he would take his hands out from his cloak, raise them, exalt Allah, and then bow. [Al-Kaamil: 3/1119], 5. Daraqutni = Siqah. Hadith about wife licking pus of husband authentic? See Al-Targheeb wa Tarheeb: 1/108 H. 150, 23. And Imam Dhahabi said: He is Sudooq Jaleel [Al-Mughni fi Duafa: 2649], and he said: Al-Haafiz Al-Imam Al-Kabeer [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/245], 15. Ibn Hazm writes that the hands should be placed beneath the navel and Anas reported that there are three things which are Sunna: 1. On the contrary to this, it is proven from both Shubah and Sufyaan that they used to narrate ahadeeth from Simaak. That one places his hands below the chest but above the navel. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? It should be noted that the weakness of the Mursal hadeeth is not related to the absence of the Companion (Sahaabi); if only the name of the Companion was missing from the chain of narration, then the Mursal hadeeth would have been classified as Saheeh (authentic) because all the Companions were trustworthy. Abu Haatim ar-Raazi: Sadooq, Strictly Follows the Sunnah, Makes Abundant Mistakes, Write his narrations [Kitaab al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 8/374], 2. He Eluquent except through Ikrimah From Ibn Abbaas And Sufyaan ath-Taree weakened him.. [Taareekh ath-Thiqaat: 621, and Taareekh Baghdaad: 9/216]. An-Nasaaee = He was a Jurist and not strong in Hadeeth [Ad-Duafa: 252], 4. It is an established saying that, even the Siqah narrators get mistaken (sometimes), therefore if such a narrator is Siqah according to the Jumhoor, then his proven Mistakes are to be left, and in his remaining narrations, he will be Hasan ul-Hadeeth. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. Haafidh Ibn Hajr has written in Fath ul-Baari that the narration narrated by Waail ibn Hujr [radiallah anhu], which is narrated by Imam Abu Dawood and Imam Nasaaee with this wording that The Apostle of Allah [peace be upon him] placed his right hand upon the left hand in a way that it was on the joint of the hand and wrist. Imam Ibn Khuzaymah has also narrated this narration and has declared it Saheeh. 18. Note also that we are a focussed Q&A site, and not an Islamic forum; answers are expected to be fully self-contained, while greetings and such are discouraged here. This is why no act should be performed within the Prayer which may conflict with good and suitable mannerisms. Ibn Khuzaymah has narrated the words Ala Sadrih (On Chest) Haafidh Al-Bazzar narrated Inda Sadrih (Close to Chest), while Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated Tahta Sadrih (Below the Navel)' [Ghayat us-Saayah: Vol 3 Pg 41]. Meaning a narrator sometimes narrate different words and in other times he narrates different words than before; or several students of one Shaikh narrate contradictory words, then such a narration will be declared Mudtarib on the condition when none of them can be preferred over the others. Then, the Prophet wrapped his hands in his cloak and placed his right hand over his left hand. So the claim of ijma from deobandis and barelvis is not right. And this Mursal hadeeth is supported by the aformentioned hadeeth of Waail ibn Hujr and Hulb at-Taaee. Yaqoob bin Sufyaan al-Faarsi: Muammal is a great sunni shaikh. [Kitaab al-Marifah wal Taareekh: 2/396, Chain Saheeh], 8. No narrator in the chains is unknown nor is there any broken chain of narration. (Ibn Khuzaimah, 1/2). Ad-Daraqutni: Authenticated him in his Sunan. We say the prayer is the principal way to worship Allaah, the Almighty, and when a person stands in prayer, then, He secretly converses with his Lord. Ahmed bin Hanbal = Simaak is good in the hadeeth from Abdul Malik bin Umayr [Al-Jarah wal Tadeel: 4/279, 280], 8. Ibn Shaaheen = He mentioned him in his Kitaab ath-Thiqaat (505), 13. [See Qawaaid fi Uloom ul-Hadeeth Pg 89], 24. In the arabic dictionary of deoband, Qamoos Al Waheed pg 915, the word Sadr means the chest of a Human (From beneath the throat upto the tummy). There is no proof for this statement from any hadeeth either authentic or weak and nor is there any consensus upon such a distinction. This saying is absolutely authentic in light of the other qaraain. One narrator narrates contradictory words two or more than two times. Muhammad bin Nasar al-Marwazi: If Muammal alone relates a certain narration then it becomes obligatory to pause and research the hadeeth as he had a bad memory and erred excessively [Tahdheeb at-Tahdheeb: 10/381]. Ibn Katheer ad-Dimashqi: In a hadeeth of Muammal from Sufyaan, he said: Its chain is Jayyid [Tafseer ibn Katheer 4/423, Surah al-Maarij]. Haafidh Dhahabi has written that: And Al-Bukhaari took narrations from him as Istishhaad [Siyar Alaam al-Nabula: 5/248]. Abu Moosa Muhammad bin Muthna informed us, Muammal bin Ismaeel narrated to us, Sufyaan ath-Thawree narrated to us, From Aasim ibn Kulayb, From His Father Kulayb bin Shihaab, From Waail ibn Hujr [radiallah anhu]. left hand with his right. [H. 252], Baghwi graded one of his hadeeth to be Hasan. 4. This narration is narrated without any chain. It has passed under Muammal bin Ismaaeel (Criticizm # 6) that the narrator from whom Imam Bukhaari takes narration as Istishhaad, is SIqah according to Imam Bukhaari. Many of his narrations are also present in Sunan Abi Dawood, Sunan Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Maja, and Sunan Nasaaee. Ibn Adee = He is Sudooq and there is nothing wrong in him. [Al-Kaamil: 3/1300], 11. Al-Haakim = Authenticated him in al-Mustadrak on the conditions of Shaikhayn, and Dhahabi followed him in that. A strong Shahid of the above narration is present in Musnad Ahmed (5/226 H. 22313), Al-Tahqeeq fi Ikhtilaaf ul-Hadeeth by Ibn al-Jawzi (1/28 H. 477), so the tadlees in this narration is no longer harmful. The hadeeth in Sunan Abu Daawood on the authority of Taawoos both, reads, The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, used to place his right hand on his left hand, and then he placed them firmly on his chest in prayer., Shaykh Al-Albaani wrote in his detailed commentary on Sunan Abu Daawood, All the narrators in this chain of narration are classified as trustworthy (Thiqaat) from whom(Imaam) Muslim narrated except for Al-Haytham ibn Humayd, and he is trustworthy, and Sulaymaan ibn Moosa, whose memory became weak shortly before his death, as stated in At-Taqreeb., Shaykh Shuayb Al-Arnaaoot and his co-authors underlined in their commentary on Sunan Abu Daawood, It is a Mursal hadeeth (incompletely transmitted; the chain of narrators ending at a Taabii, without the reference of the Companion quoting from the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) whose chain of narration are all trustworthy (Thiqaat) except for Sulaymaan ibn Moosa nicknamed Ad-Dimashqi and he was truthful and his narration was accepted by Hadeeth scholars.. So is it possible to be more clear this time? Explained by Ustadh Nadeem Previous hadiths: [1/243 H. 479 etc]. Based on the second possibility, he may either be weak or trustworthy [Nuzhat An-Nathar], You can search for fatwa through many choices. Hafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani: He is truthful, weak in memory. [Taqreeb at-Tahdheeb], 10. 41675 . Even though Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi has rejected this saying, but this an anuthentic saying, unless if there is not an issue of aformentioning, and a clear opposition. narrated from Ali which says It is Sunnah to place the right hand over the Imam Bukhaari, Imam Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Nasaaee, Ibn Maja havre narrated from him. * This saying is also chain-less, and is rejected due to going against the Jumhoor. This hadeeth was later disturbed and jumbled by the mistake of some copyist, and the similar nuskha then remained under the observation of Qasim bin Qatlubagha. It only takes a minute to sign up. Imam Muslim = He took narrations from him in his Saheeh. What is meant is that he placed his hand so that the middle of his right hand was on the wrist, which means that part of it was on the left hand and part was on the forearm. Was Prophet Made From Nur Did Prophet Had A Shadow. In addition, giving a fatwa based on a vague description of a single hadith is not particularly recommended. There are two ways of placing the right hand on the left hand when praying: 1 The right hand is placed on the left hand, wrist and forearm. quote. The Malikiyyah were of the opinion that one leaves his hands free [by his sides] in prayer (irsl). And Sunan Nasaaee He has errors that would take too long to be more clear this time Prophet. Two times from Simaak Authenticated him in al-Mustadrak on the conditions of Shaikhayn, and Dhahabi him... Ustadh Nadeem Previous hadiths: https: // [ 1/243 H. placing hands on chest in salah hadith etc ]: 252 ], 8 ath-Thiqaat... 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