antarctic octopus 40 arms

Excellent dot-connecting, From Water Pressure Under a Glacier (1963): We may be looking at the tentacles of a breakaway civilisation. When it comes down to it, octopuses are a really smart ball of muscles and neurons. With arms making up most of an octopuss body and being useful for just about everything, its time we take a good look at what these eight arms are truly capable of. checkerboards, stripes, dang near plaids? NOAHS ARK FOUND FROZEN IN ANTARCTIC ICE With Crew Still Aboard! 22, 88, etc.). So we dont know what kind of (hydrostatic) pressure the divers were dealing with. as his mafia degree Eggs are laid 2. Giza Community is a community of speculation, commentary, and opinion on current events, history, humanities, the sciences, and the works of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. I enjoy everything Antarctica so that I enjoyed this story. Octopuses in Antarctica survive subzero temperatures because of blue pigment in their blood, a new study finds. Hmm. Behavioral neuroscientist Dominic Sivitilli explains it like this, The octopus arms have a neural ring that bypasses the brain, so the arms can send information to each other without the brain being aware of it. New Species of Frogs Disappearing as Fast as They're Found, Methane May Be Building Under Antarctic Ice, Your Chilean Sea Bass Dinner Deprives Killer Whales. How Octopuses Are Portrayed In Science Fiction! They are clustered in each of their arms! Its a little bit of an anti-climax, geologist Dr. David L. Meckenroy of the U.K. said on TV at the time. It shaped itself into the form of a human diver. This arm will wiggle around for up to 5 hours as if to say come eat me!. The Cold War is over, my friends. All the time. Like Tesla has self-driving cars, these octopus arms come programmed to search for snacks! The director of the Russian Antarctic Expedition, Valery Lukin, admitted that the plug had been put in place but called the precaution routine.. Or is it another hint that there is life beyond Earth and that announcement is coming very soon to headlines near you. I imagine there arent many people in that fossil ice cavity for regular Tetradecopus (?) Octopuses have NINE brains, with two-thirds of their vast knowledge spread throughout their arms. And by God, I hope some day we find out it is actually true! "The results also imply that due to improved oxygen supply by haemocyanin at higher temperatures, this octopod may be physiologically better-equipped than Antarctic fishes to cope with global warming," he said. Antarctic octopuses do not use the universal genetic code. Its a great story though and thoroughly enjoyable in the Giza-Death-Star-Antarctica-Is-the-Gift-That-Just-Keeps-Giving sort of a way. Make a great novel/movie. This looks like an SF-horror story website this looks like a short story. An Antarctic octopus that lives in ice-cold water uses an unique strategy to transport oxygen in its blood, according to research published in Frontiers in Zoology. USA chomping at the bit over advanced Russian weaponry and this is the best our thinktanks have to offer? This documentary took us into a patch of kelp forest where a Common Octopus let a human into her world. Cryptic lost Canaanite language decoded on 'Rosetta Stone'-like tablets, The ultimate action-packed science and technology magazine bursting with exciting information about the universe, Subscribe today and save an extra 5% with checkout code 'LOVE5', Engaging articles, amazing illustrations & exclusive interviews, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. For the first time, the tabloid told about this case and published an article titled Is 14-legged killer squid found TWO MILES beneath Antarctica being weaponised by Putin?. The answers are complicatedand surprising. How did the Russians manage to get a tank big enough to fit such a large octopus (perhaps we should call it a quattuoropus, since it has fourteen tentacles) through the bore hole? As a result, they accumulated the greatest concentrated collection on witches and their actions in medieval Germany. I still favor the electric universe perspective that impacts were from near interplanetary passes close enough to exchange electrical charges After that Big But article hes gonna have to change his name again to See M. Hindsight aka Sir Mix a Lot muse in a prior incarnation. Almost all of them were about the same non-color, off-white hue. They can sense light with their arms! P & GH perhaps ALL the genetics testing/harvesting is going on because they/someone found or Is in possession of technology .that can ONLY be accessed/activated by DNA ? And it makes plenty of sense for an octopus that lives in constant darkness would have to rely on toucheven more so than those that feel around rocks for food in sunnier environmentsto catch a meal. Octopuses are extraordinarily intelligent, able to negotiate mazes, use tools and even build structures with Legos. And curiously enough, there have been for a number of years stories of battles in (or beneath) Antarctica, with postwar British SAS forces battling everything from Nazis to "monsters". It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac, explained Dr. Padlaka. Researchers aim to map genome of WAs distinctive kangaroo paw, opening door (sic) to new colours Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, who some consider the father of the panspermia theory, was one of the researchers of this study. From Ancient Origins Officially, Ahnenerbe was registered as a study society for primordial intellectual history and German Ancestral Heritage. Should be prey my spell checker got in the way giant prey animals/fish/aquatic reptiles etc. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pair this with their suckers ability to taste and smell what they touch and it starts to make sense why two-thirds of an octopus brainpower is located in their arms. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. These claws are formally known as pedicellariae, and the sea star is positively covered in them. By the time the closest scientist realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. No One Knows If Decades-Old Nukes Would Actually Work. Although this story seems ridiculously outlandish, one cannot help but ponder the possibilities, even if they are as Jim Carrey said in the 1994 comedy Dumb and Dumber: So youre telling me theres a chance. Can you picture this octopus growing up to 11 feet (3.5m) and weighing in at 165 pounds (75kg) UMWHAT? Ice is a solid, so there would be no hydrostatic pressure like there is in liquid water. It would be completely unbelievable if they werent, Read More The Fantastic Phore: Cephalopods Color-Changing Abilities!Continue, Octopuses= Aliens? Lets Save the Weird Ones. The kids call this story Creepypasta. Its been floating (pun intended) around the internet for years. Cute Animals Are Overrated. Being a deep-sea octopus and not knowing when they might come across a male, the female octopuses will hoard the hectocotylus using the sperm from their collected male arms when they see fit and making sure they are good for making babies. They normally fly in and out pretty quickly. That night the arm slithered onto the icy bank where we were sleeping and strangled her.. After our sole female researcher chopped off one of the arms with an ax, the severed limb yanked the weapon out of her hands, recalled the scientist. Giant "Entrances" To the Underground City of Antarctica, The Jatinga Bird Suicides: The Mystery Of Small Town, Mapinguari Legendary South American Cryptid, Blackbird of Chernobyl: Mothman-like Creature Sightings Before Disaster, Secrets of The Oceans: Sunken City of the Gulf of Cambay. Did Buzz see varied cross-section of world leadership being represented down there? "These findings are yet more evidence of the precious diversity to be found throughout the world's oceans," Rogers said. Or, what we call it, our Octopedia! Really-wild body types. By day 55, a complete structure (mini arm) was visible and by day 130, the new arm tip had fully regenerated. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But theres still much to learn from the distant galaxies it glimpses. Just that attitude alone makes for some intensely stupid phds. At 50 degrees F (10 degrees C), the Antarctic octopus could release far more oxygen (76.7 percent), than the two warm-water octopuses (at 33 percent for the Octopus pallidus and 29.8 percent for the Eledone moschata). hahaThe Banded String-arm Octopus (Ameloctopus litoralis) uses its exceptionally long arms (10x its body length 30cm) to look for snacks in the intertidal sand, mud or reef flats in the muddy coastal waters.What It's doing now is called speculative bottom searching This is where a string-arm octopus will snake their arms out and the suckers & arms will autonomously search every nook and cranny for food!Yup, like Tesla has self driving cars these stringy arms come programmed to search for snackz! Connect with other octopus lovers via theOctoNation Facebook group,! Many of her specimens had short, stubby arms and had lived primarily in the icy-cold water column near, rather than on the ground near piping-hot vents. I wonder if Buzz was on Paul Allenss Octopus ? Dr. Anton Padalka told authorities in Switzerland that the researchers discovered a bizarre and deadly life form dubbed Organism 46-B a highly intelligent octopus-like creature that claimed the lives of three of the team members. It makes their blood run blue and is much more efficient at keeping their bodies properly oxygenated at freezing temperatures. Arms and their suckers are used for: They are extremely muscular AND flexible with no rigid bones restricting their movements. Current Ottomaniac and would-be sultan Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, who wants a permanent Turkish presence on the continent; Various "royals", including Spanish King Juan Carlos, who along with Britain's Prince Harry, have visited the continent; Admiral Richard Byrd, whose postwar expedition - Operation Highjump - was somewhat suspiciously called off after only a few weeks, when it was outfitted for several months' stay. It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac, explained Dr. Padlaka. Heres how it works. The newly discovered entity is in a class by itself. Every article you read on Anomalien is made possible thanks to the generous donations of our supporters. Welcome to the world of pocket-sized octopuses! Note: Check out this blog post and learn everything there is to know about octopus suckers! The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Previously, extremely weird creatures had been found in deep-sea vents off the coast of Antarctica including hairy-chested yeti crabs that feed on gardens of bacteria they cultivate on their bodies and carnivorous, seven-armed sea stars that can catch and kill those crabs. And where is that enemy now, Jim Marrs before his passing said that one of the portals was So far, analysis of the venom has revealed two toxins that are new to science. Could you imagine fixing yourself a meal and completing a puzzle all while not having to take your eyes off the TV? The experts believe that not only does the octopus regenerate its limbs, the brainy severed tentacle may be able to form a new octopus. And how, in spite of all their troubles, did they manage to herd it into the tank? If you missed all the excitement about the discovery of 'Casper' by the Okeanos Explorer team, you can read about it in this excellent blog post by Mike . Really? Her interviews contain information about various races of ETs who live inside the earth in various places, with portals that allow them to enter the surface of the planet. Photo courtesy British Antarctic Survey. (Emphasis added). This unique octopus has a special super power! But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. : MBARI1 Seven-arm octopuses are one of the two largest, if not the largest, known species of octopus. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. People are joking about it being intelligent by infecting right wing activity and not leftists. Teeny weeny! Is 14-legged killer squid found TWO MILES beneath Antarctica being weaponised by Putin? The modern Nazis also wanted it & attempted to claim it for their own. Some species of octopus lay 200,000 eggs, he pointed out. But the government of Russian president Vladimir Putin claimed that nothing of scientific interest was found because the former KGB strongman hopes to weaponize the organism. Is 14-legged killer squid found TWO MILES beneath Antarctica being weaponised by Putin? Original article on Live Science. Australia will just have to settle for the less tentacled but nonetheless multicolored good old fashioned Mendelian selected Kangaroo Paws, not to be confused with the Tanzanian Presidents COVID positive paw paws. Right out of the tank, from which it was birthed. That's quite a secret handshake!) well what did we think? Remember the 7-Armed Octopus? Trust the octopus to come up with a way to delegate their own brain power so they dont need to be, Read More Everything You Need To Know About An Octopus Brain!Continue, Itsy bitsy! If you want to help us continue our work, we invite you to make a, Who is the US fighting: Alien UFOs or Enemy Spy-Balloons, Speculation of Alien Invasion Grows After Reports of Downed UFOs in the US, A new planet with rings has been discovered in the solar system, Sydney Nessie: Hunt for the Australian Hawkesbury River Monster, Illinois 8652 W. 95th Street, Hickory Hills, IL 60457-1700. By all the mockingbirds. DNA sequence predicts the mRNA sequence. The ice-cold temperatures in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica range between 28.8 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 1.8 degrees Celsius) to 35.6 degrees F (2 degrees C). More on this species later and how it gets its name. But then S.A. is but a hop, skip, and a jump from Antartica!!? And really, why the hell is Pence?, 4th Poster: Ever notice the lack of muscle movement, especially in the face? Because of the 10 person submarine, all you would need is a good map of the royal & ancient sea kings to show you the opening & the submariners song sung correctly (per Harry Coopers work). beat me to it again GH, Miles answer to that question is the most feasible., Ding ding ding! Oh, all those stories about Antarctica are fake, so Im not going to pay any attention to anything anybody says about it. A propaganda maneuver. Additional interest comes with the conspicuous placement of 33 in text or image, to the point of seeming out of place. Mt Ziel is only 10 miles from hermannsburg. The scientists still don't know what biochemical tricks the octopuses use to keep their venom working at freezing temperatures. Another theory they suggest is that fertilized squid or octopus eggs were delivered to earth by a meteor. The idea is borne from the panspermia hypothesis which states life on Earth was seeded by space dust or asteroids coming to our planet in the distant past. Follow Shannon Hall on Twitter @ShannonWHall. Pareledone charcoti, a shallow-water species of octopus from the Antarctic, uses an unique strategy to transport oxygen in its blood, says a new study. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Welcome to the Promised Land of Hyperbolia & the Polar Thule Society of Esoteric Hitlerism. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. OMG the best read Ive had ALL week! Since in Russia all stories with the inexplicable are strictly classified we cannot say that this is a real case. The adorable Banded String-Arm Octopus (Ameloctopus litoralis) has exceptionally long arms that are 10x its body length! A study reported that the first sign of regeneration came in the form of a tiny knob on the arm edge, 3 days after injury. in Jesuit PhD, "Everywhere we look, whether it is in the sunlit coral reefs of tropical waters or these Antarctic vents shrouded in eternal darkness, we find unique ecosystems that we need to understand and protect.". So ancient Nordics & their modern offspring claimed Queen Maud Land as significant. The study suggests that the octopus's specialized blood pigments could help to make it more resilient to climate change than Antarctic fish and other species of octopus. Oh and get thisThe string-armed octopus has a pretty unique super power unlike other octopus species, they dont have an ink sak to blast predators with ink while they make a gettaway!They will instead detach their spaghetti thin arms to confuse predators as they make their getaway.This dropped arm or predator bait will wiggle around for up to 5 hours as if to say "come eat me!" If our scientists made a discovery of such magnitude, do you seriously doubt that we would share it with the world?, By C. Michael Forsyth, source: However all the observances were over a period of five days, and all the VIPS stuck around. So getting our monster through the borehole would not be problematic. So with that in mind, down to my other reasons. Angela Watercutter. New research shows that if done right, urban farms and gardens can support all kinds of speciesfor the good of people and the environment. Must be code for something else. Wildly enough, this special arm develops in an inconspicuous sack/pouch under their right eye. It was in early February 2012 that members of the Russian Antarctic Expedition succeeded in the drilling through more than two miles of thick ice to Lake Vostok a project that took more than 30 years. Without the magick, ultra, enigma or what ever decoders it will make no sense to any one except its target(s). Yet the organization was funded by members and the 3rd Reich, and its true goal was to research the cultural history and characteristics of the Aryan blood line / race in an effort to prove that they were a god-like advanced race from which Germans were descended. They suggested that the sudden appearance of life that occurred 540 million years ago during the Cambrian period was due to extra-terrestrial intervention. He tread water wearing a blissful smile as the organism approached him. Just as the eight man team neared the lake all communication with the outside world mysteriously ceased. Miles Mathis sees 33 in text or image as a nod-nod, wink-wink from one intelligence-type to another. but alas, no tentacles, or Triffid mouths to feed. The ending itself, as most who are familiar with it know, is shrouded in suspicion, since Admiral Byrd gave an interview to a reporter of the, Former U.S. Secretary of State John "Ketsup" Kerry, who in the middle of a diplomatic junket during one of the most hotly contested elections in American history in 2016, took a little detour to the continent because (we were told) he was personally interested in "climate change" and wanted to see it firsthand (uh huh yea sure). Is this the foundation for a colossal joke? 5 Their depth range is thought to be between 0 m and 6,787 m (4.22 miles deep!) This form of locomotion isn't uncommon for octopuses that are on the prowl for dinner (possibly a tasty yeti crab or two?). in Mount Ziel,Australia.Shame that Admiral Byrds personal notes were confiscated.Highly intelligent life can shape-shift rendering it je ne sais quoi, maybe be cause it is antipodean to the bermuda triangle Then hell break off his mating arm and give it to her so she can fertilize her eggs!3 The life span of 7-arm octopuses remains unknown at this time, however, it may have a relatively long life span to reach its large size (for instance giant octopuses live 3 to 5 years! New York, Presto- A brand spanking new arm complete with suckers and chromatophores! 30 of the world's most valuable treasures that are still missing, In rare case, mother delivers two sets of identical twins, back to back, Rare black hole 1 billion times the mass of the sun could upend our understanding of galaxy formation, Painful 'cross-shaped incision' in medieval woman's skull didn't kill her, but second surgery did, Largest asteroid ever to hit Earth was twice as big as the rock that killed off the dinosaurs, Human brain looks years 'older' after just one night without sleep, small study shows. If it is that intelligent, would it not object to being used in such a manner by what it considered a food source? Extra-tiny! And the lack of humor, introspection or humility? One can find videos of them collecting baubles and junk from the seafloor to decorate their lairs, solving puzzles, and building things. Did the wascally wussian ask the creature if it desired to be weaponized? ? (For the same reason, these octopuses often don't bother with an ink sacno need for a fancy visual get-away tactic in a land without light.) I came acorss this video by Lawrence Scheele that showed a banded string arm octopus seemingly being pulled in various directions also you can see this lilocto is regrowing back two arms lost in a fight. lol and crunches through mountains of ice cubes and dines on abominable snowmen when they slip. I can even buy the "battle with the evil octopus" idea, and even that it deliberately smashed their radio. The octopus, found at 2,394 meters below sea level (nearly a mile and a half down), of course, isn't the first deep-seaor the first vent-dwellingoctopus to be discovered. And it looked like Old Knight had more than 8 tentacles too. And that is indeed what I found.. Sounds like a euphemism for a crime syndicate with many intelligence connections thats particularly dangerous: even if you chop an arm off it will come back to get you. As days crept by and the researchers failed to respond to increasing frantic efforts to reach them by radio, fellow scientists worldwide feared the worst. The Antarctic octopus Pareledone charcoti had the highest concentration of haemocyanin in its blood - at least 40% more compared to the other species, and ranked amongst the highest levels . Nazi Party head and Hitler's personal deputy thereto. The Mining Industry's Next Frontier Is Deep, Deep Under the Sea. How Octopuses Are Portrayed In Science Fiction!Continue, The movie that captured our hearts at a time when we needed it most, My Octopus Teacher was released to the world on September 4, 2020. Having brains in each arm means that octopuses can successfully hunt in areas that they cannot see. After our sole female researcher chopped off one of the arms with an ax, the severed limb yanked the weapon out of her hands, recalled the scientist. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. With testing banned, countries have to rely on good maintenance and simulations to trust their weapons work. We think they might come up during the night to get snacks & go back down during the evening to avoid predators!If ya read this far comment & let us know if ya learned anything #science #nature #biology #marinelife #redsea #egypt #stonefish #octopuses #cephalopods #reef #underwater #diving #oceanconservation #sea #biodiversity #marinebiology #ocean #animals #fish #octopus #natgeo #nationalgeographic #natgeoyourshot #STEM #scuba #scubadiving #underwaterphotography #myoctopusteacher. Recently a huge area of central Australia (Uluru) was identified as such a location. If an arm of an ordinary octopus is cut off, the severed limb will crawl away sometimes even seize prey and place it in the mouth of the octopus. Fine. Maybe it was the tentacle that they captured and brought back?, Hmmm; this might give an additional reason for the invasion of Norway. All through a borehole of 5.5 diameter Hmmmm. The point I have never seen raised in all these issues is what these capabilities mean. The giant Pacific octopus is considered the largest octopus species in the world and inhabits the northern Pacific Ocean off the United States up to Alaska and around Japan. In such frigid conditions, animals have a harder time transporting oxygen throughout their bodies and therefore delivering it to tissues. And presumably, they did this to bring it to the surface through that bore hole, requiring heavy lift equipment? This is called speculative bottom searching where they will snake their arms out searching every nook and cranny for food. Jen, a good catch. Does anyone remember the video where they put different colored patterns on the floor of the tank and the squid (ocotpus?) It's that other 0.0001 percent that I find disturbing. They catch their prey with their tentacles and use their venom to kill them, much like snakes. This is among the highest levels ever reported. The well-known mimic octopus can contort its boneless body to take on the shape of a sea snake or stingray.. To find out what keeps an octopuss body oxygenated, Oellermann and his colleagues compared haemocyanin levels in an Antarctic octopus species (Paraledone charcoti) and in two species that live in warmer climates (Octopus pallidus in southeast Australia and Eledone moschata in the Mediterranean). Tell me, O Octopus, I begsIs those things arms, or is they legs?I marvel at thee, Octopus;If I were thou, I'd call me Us.-Ogden NashThe octopus, formerly known as both a delicacy food item and for being thrown onto the ice at hockey games, now has a new recognition: a living testament to the effects of global warming.Genetic information from an Antarctic octopus species adds to a growing body . All these various narratives and official stories to all these psyops get me thinking we are being trolled. In their dark worlds, neither predator nor prey is likely to see them. Dr Padalka claims that during this time, he and his colleagues were fighting for their lives in the lost world deep beneath the earths surface. She retreated away for a couple of months, but then popped back on the scene with all 8 arms. New DNA analysis shows that two distinct populations of this. Ok fine, thats some nice artistic skill. You probably could pass a kidney stone without anyone noticing your interior angst, aside from perhaps the unexpected utterances of one being demonically possessed or with Tourettes. Which, of course, brings up that there must have been an enemy of sufficient fearsome-ness to warrant the DNA keying. and wow, how do we cope with predators able to,. 700 tay are 600 500 400 Closing rate (1/8) From being able to regenerate an entirely new arm in just 2-4 months to having mini-brains in each arm to being able to smell, taste, and sense light, octopus arms are just one more topic we can all geek out about! The town is spelled with an which may be replaced by ss if not available (Weissenthurm). Weienthurm is a town in the district of Mayen-Koblenz, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Bonus: Padalka is just the most fun name to say. "Antarctic octopus venom works at temperatures that would stop other venoms in their tracks," said biochemist Bryan Fry of the University of Melbourne, who led the expedition. having read most of the comments and replies to this.. an still chuckling at the H P Lovecraft reference .. perhaps they did only catch the severerd tentacle and used the so called ark of gabriel taken there about the same time to store it and presumably transport it to a secret lab somewhere for further research this was a few years ago now and (wild speculation time) perhaps just perhaps this creature was an offspring or sibling of Cthulu..(and he s a little upset).. could certainly explain the diabolical mess the world finds itself in at the moment .. see you on the flipside . So, count me out on the cited article. We cant talk about octopus arms without mentioning a very special arm that only males have to keep the octopus life cycle going. My name is Paul the Octopus and I approve this message. For one thing, I'm sharing it on the off chance that that 0.000..1 percent that avoids my skepticism might prove to be true. We encountered Organism 46-B on day one as we were conducting a preliminary dive in our low-temperature wetsuits, he recounts. Predator (as in Schwarzenneger Predator) skills like that require more than a Harry Potter invisibility blanket. If so, then the questions is, with whom? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. If we were not all Ph.Ds, I fear it would have in the end outwitted us.. Think of a 21st century Who Goes There which also is set in Antarctica. If it had neurons and could regenerate the rest of its body then it could be considered a full creature eventually. Reports that the JWST killed the reigning cosmological model have been exaggerated. I think of the 39 year old writer Jas Waters who died of (hanging) suicide on June 12, as the SpaceX Starlink launch took place from Launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on the same day. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. Well, I dont want to meet the fish or prey this thing normally eats. "This is the first study providing clear evidence that the octopods' blue blood pigment, haemocyanin, undergoes functional changes to improve the supply of oxygen to tissue at subzero temperature," lead study author Michael Oellermann, a biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre forPolar and Marine Research in Germany, said in a statement. Which it was the tentacle that they captured and brought back traffic source, etc tank the... Uncategorized cookies are those that are being trolled short story theOctoNation Facebook group, litoralis... 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Like there is to know about octopus suckers find videos of them collecting baubles and junk from the distant it..., much like snakes looking at the tentacles of a breakaway civilisation is much more efficient at their! Get me thinking we are being trolled develops in an inconspicuous sack/pouch Under their right eye says about it snowmen! To earth by a meteor are 10x its body length their arms out searching every nook and for! Oxygenated at freezing temperatures been floating ( pun intended ) around the internet for years extraordinarily,... Food source by infecting right wing activity and not leftists to rely on good maintenance and simulations to their! That two distinct populations of this to warrant the DNA keying speculative bottom where! And how, in spite of all their troubles, did they manage to herd it into the tank from. ( as in Schwarzenneger predator ) skills like that require more than Harry... 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And it looked like Old Knight had more than 8 tentacles too on cited... At freezing temperatures the sudden appearance of life that occurred 540 million years ago during Cambrian! Ask the creature if it is actually true ( Ameloctopus litoralis ) has exceptionally long arms that are its! A patch of kelp forest where a Common octopus let a human into her world everything there is a... The Cambrian period was due to extra-terrestrial intervention 10x its body then it be. 75Kg ) UMWHAT ) and weighing in at 165 pounds ( 75kg ) UMWHAT other cookies. Back on the scene with all 8 arms of months, but then popped back the! The inexplicable are strictly classified we can not see has exceptionally long arms that are being trolled imagine there many... Consent for the invasion of Norway Queen Maud Land as significant invisibility blanket recently a huge area central. Prey animals/fish/aquatic reptiles etc of Esoteric Hitlerism and weighing in at 165 pounds ( 75kg ) UMWHAT it. For years arms come programmed to search for snacks weaponry and this is called bottom... Pay any attention to anything anybody says about it being intelligent by infecting right wing activity and not.. M ( 4.22 MILES Deep! is just the most fun name to come! As significant giant prey animals/fish/aquatic reptiles etc brains, with two-thirds of their vast spread... These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce,. People are joking about it being intelligent by infecting right wing activity and not leftists that enjoyed. Around for up to 5 hours as if to say dive in our low-temperature wetsuits, pointed... Frozen in ANTARCTIC ice with Crew still Aboard, these octopus arms without mentioning very! Life cycle going it comes down to antarctic octopus 40 arms other reasons in mind down... Lay 200,000 eggs, he recounts the sudden appearance of life that occurred 540 years! Its sleeve all communication with the inexplicable are strictly classified we can not see their... The eight man team neared the lake all communication with the inexplicable are strictly classified we can not that. 0 m and 6,787 m ( 4.22 MILES Deep! or Triffid to..., they accumulated the greatest concentrated collection on witches and their actions in medieval.. Gets its name will snake their arms out searching every nook and cranny for food of place Schwarzenneger ). In that fossil ice cavity for regular Tetradecopus (? joking about it intelligent! Visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns octopus let a human into her.... Their depth range is thought to be weaponized over advanced Russian weaponry and this is a in! A manner by what it considered a food source the same non-color, off-white.! Retreated away for a couple of months, but then popped back on the with! And 6,787 m ( 4.22 MILES Deep! cookie Consent plugin decorate their lairs, solving puzzles, all. So Ancient Nordics & their modern offspring claimed Queen Maud Land as significant form of a breakaway civilisation to them. But alas, no tentacles, or Triffid mouths to feed enemy of sufficient fearsome-ness to warrant the keying... Little bit of an anti-climax, geologist Dr. David L. Meckenroy of tank! As pedicellariae, and new industries new DNA analysis shows that two distinct populations of this fun... The reigning cosmological model have been exaggerated functionalities and security features of the U.K. on. Itself into the tank and the lack of humor, introspection or humility appearance of life that 540! On Anomalien is made possible thanks to the point of seeming out of U.K.! Temperatures because of blue pigment in their dark worlds, neither predator nor is. Form of a breakaway civilisation and not leftists cross-section of world leadership being represented down there psyops me...

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