jehovah shows loyal love to joseph

6:2) We hope that she will eventually accept our hand of friendship and allow us to help lift her out of despair. Earlier, she had cried out in pain: Jehovah . 3. 17 Bethuel, Joseph, and Ruth showed loving-kindness willingly; they were moved to do so from within. | How painful that must have been for Ruth! How will the words of Psalm 145:18-20 prove true in the near future? 15 The Bible narratives that we have considered also show that loving-kindness is extended freely and willingly, not under compulsion. (See paragraphs20-21). Loyal love is motivated by commitment, integrity, loyalty, and deep attachment. In what ways does Jehovahs loyal love endure forever? Showing loving-kindness, or loyal love, forges warm and lasting bonds with others. When Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem in Judah, Ruth displayed loving-kindness and determination, saying: Where you go I shall go, and where you spend the night I shall spend the night. It also moves us to make sacrifices in order to help them. With someone loyal you act in loyalty, David said of Jehovah. God's loyal love is enduring. How grateful Naomi must have been that Ruth and Boaz did not give up on her! Loyal love! Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated "loving-kindness," or "loyal love." King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated God's loving-kindness. In the Bible, what motive stands out in the acts of loyal love shown among Gods people? 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." 5 You will surely agree that the better we understand the meaning of loyal love, the better we will be able to show it to our fellow worshippers. It must have been very comforting to Abrahams servant to hear Laban and Bethuel say: From Jehovah this thing has issued. (Ge 24 Verse50) They recognized Jehovahs hand in matters and unhesitatingly accepted his decision. Why can it be said that King David was no stranger to disloyalty? The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten Volume set, including all the advertising as . First, showing loyal love makes us precious in God's eyes. I. What lesson does this account contain? For Jehovah loves justice, and he will not abandon his loyal ones. (Psalm 37:25,28) True, as the Creator, Jehovah deserves our worship. (a)Today, what choice do loving brothers and sisters make? PRIVACY POLICY 22 After some time had passed, Boaz provided a generous gift of food for Ruth and Naomi. 24 What have we learned from the book of Ruth about loyal love? When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, Naomi at first objected. What lesson does this account contain? When Jehovah sees that someone is sorry for his sins and works to change, loyal love prompts him to forgive him. 11. . WELLSVILLE - William F. Davis, 83, passed away on Wednesday (February 22, 2023) at Maple City Rehabilitation and Nursing Center following a lengthy illness. (Acts 10:34,35; James 4:8) By contrast, human rulers are often seen in the company of prominent people, such as military leaders, wealthy businessmen, or sports and entertainment celebrities. 4,5. In that same year, the November1 issue of The Watchtower contained an article entitled Neutrality. As a result of the clear information presented, Jehovahs Witnesses around the world saw the need to maintain strict neutrality in the affairs of the warring nations. (Ruth 1:6) Both daughters-in-law started out with her. 4 Jehovahs loyal ones can be identified as those who use their mouths to speak well of him. 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. For one thing, a man of loving-kindness is dealing rewardingly with his own soul. (Proverbs 11:17) How true! In this way, Jehovah draws close to us, letting us know him. (b)What acts of loving-kindness do you know of among Christians in your area? According to the African newspaper Sowetan, a prominent government official said the following about poverty-stricken areas in his land: I understand when most of us do not want to go to such areas. How satisfying it is to know that by their loyalty each Witness of Jehovah had a small part in the vindication of Jehovahs sovereignty and in proving the Devil to be a liar! 15. Finally, the servant said: If you are actually exercising loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward my master, tell me; but if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left.Ge 24 Verse49. Take her and go, and let her become a wife to the son of your master, just as Jehovah has spoken. (Ge 24 Verse51) Rebekah willingly accompanied Abrahams servant, and she soon became Isaacs beloved wife.Ge 24 Verses49, 52-58,67. 8:3) How pleased Jehovah must be with such a loving spirit!Read Hebrews 13:16. She became so overwhelmed by anguish that she concluded that Jehovah was opposing her. 12 Out of his great loving-kindness, Jehovah provides for all the needs of his servants. (b)In what way was the last instance of Ruths loving-kindness better than the first? Moses therefore told the Israelites: It was not because you were the most numerous of all the peoples that Jehovah showed affection for you and chose you, for you were the smallest of all the peoples. 22-23. Truly, in the righteous new world that Jehovah will bring, obedient mankind will experience his loyal love forever.Revelation 21:3,4. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1920 "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States". Despite being banned and persecuted, however, Gods loyal ones kept on preaching the good news of the Kingdom. How can we imitate Jehovah in showing loyal love? . 3 In this article, we will consider the answers to four questions. We stick with our sister who is in need, and we ask Jehovah to help us find a way to bring her comfort.Prov. ^ par. 5:14. 14 Loyal love goes beyond what is expected. Thus, we can say that Jehovah's loyal love directly benefits his servants and that is why we are sure that he will never abandon us. He does not love the company, but he is happy to have a job that provides a paycheck. 15-16. Years after Jonathans death, David still continued to show loyal love to Jonathans son Mephibosheth.1Sam. What do we learn from Ruths example? . 23 Let us therefore keep our thoughts centered on the grand future that awaits all of Jehovahs loyal ones. ^ par. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. Helping the brothers is a great source of joy and satisfaction to me! Caring elders everywhere wholeheartedly agree. What gave Ruth the strength she needed to carry on? What is often the most effective way to help a discouraged brother or sister? 7 The difference between loyalty as discussed in paragraph6 and loyal love is a persons motive. (Acts 27:3728:1) Although the Maltese had neither a prior commitment to the stranded voyagers nor an existing relationship with them, the islanders received the strangers hospitably, showing them extraordinary human kindness. (Acts 28:2,7) Their hospitality was kind, but it was incidental and shown to strangers. Why do we want to keep on showing loyal love to our fellow believers? (Psalm 136:23,26). ( Psalm 31:16) Jehovah, the powerful one, is asked to show loving-kindness, or loyal love, to the needy one, David. Why? They love their brothers and sisters, and they are eager to do whatever they can to help them. Joseph Brodsky<br><br>Out of nowhere with love, the thirteenth martobra,<br>dear, respected, sweet, but never mind<br>even who, for the heck of it, speaking<br>frankly, don't remember already, not yours but<br>and no one's loyal friend greets you with one<br>from five continents, holding on to cowboys;<br>I loved you more than I loved angels and myself.<br>and therefore farther from you now . What will help us not to give up easily? 7 The difference between loyalty as discussed in paragraph6 and loyal love is a persons motive. While there, Naomis husband died. | 8 Proof that Jehovah now reigns through the Kingdom of his Son, Jesus Christ, is seen in the ongoing fulfillment of the sign of Jesus presence. 8. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. (Psalm 110:3; 1Thessalonians 5:12) Such elders, or overseers, feel a responsibility to live up to the trust conferred upon them by reason of their appointment. Initially, she was in love with David, no doubt supporting him in his kingly endeavors. In the Bible, expressions of loving-kindness between humans may be based on already existing relationships. How did Ruth show her persistence? How did Ruth differ from Orpah, and why was Ruths decision an act of loyal love? 1,2. True, Jehovah is abundant in loyal love, and he delights to show mercy when there is a basis for it. After meeting Rebekah, he was invited into the home of her father, Bethuel. What special aspect of love does Jehovah show for those who are in a dedicated relationship with him? 4,5. Today, as in the past, many of our brothers and sisters have chosen to show loyal love for fellow believers, even to those whom they do not know personally. 7:7) Still, Naomi needed help in order to see that Jehovah was on her side. 1. KING DAVID was no stranger to disloyalty. (1Sam. Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. ^ par. They did so not only with kind words but with specific actions. Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. "God's Loyal Love" - Sing to Jehovah 18 (vocal renditions) - YouTube Sing to Jehovah 18: "God's Loyal Love"(vocal renditions)Isaiah 55:1-3Lyrics:1. His Word says that the righteous one will be like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. Who would be in a better position to make sure that his wish would be carried out than his influential son, Joseph? What crucial time draws near, and how can we deal with it? (a)How does Jehovah show loyalty to a great crowd who have the prospect of coming out of the great tribulation? 16, 17. Therefore, it was human kindness. (Revelation 7:9, 10,14) Although his servants are imperfect, Jehovah loyally extends to them the opportunity to live forever on a paradise earth. Absalom, Davids own son! has not failed in his loyal love. What might have contributed to Naomis changed attitude? Despite all of this, Naomi said: Jehovah made me return empty-handed. With those words, Naomi did not even acknowledge the support of Ruth, who was standing next to her. While the nations were in the thick of battle during World WarII, Jehovahs people were helped to focus on something far more important than their own salvation. 20 Throughout history, Jehovah has shown remarkable loyalty toward faithful humans. Jehovah is the supreme example of loyal love. Since it is our desire to draw close to God, may we respond to his love by strengthening our resolve to serve him with loyalty. Gods Word clearly shows that any last-minute use of his name by the wicked has always proved to be in vain.Proverbs 1:28,29; Micah 3:4; Luke 13:24,25. Yes, he pays attention to what they say. They make personal sacrifices, giving even beyond their means in order to help their less fortunate brothers. Bethuel willingly cooperated with Abrahams servant, and so did Rebekah. When Naomi learned that Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them food, she decided to return to her home. (b)How did most Israelites show that they were beyond healing, and what warning example does this provide for us? 9 In the book of Ruth, we read the story of Naomi, her daughter-in-law Ruth, and a God-fearing man named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomis husband. (Acts 20:35) What, though, is the foremost reason why we continue to show loyal love? Jehovah is . 136:1) In verses 2 to 26, we find the refrain "for his loyal love endures forever." Have not both humans and angels at times displayed remarkable loyalty? WHAT BENEFITS COME TO THOSE WHO SHOW LOYAL LOVE. 4. You Alone Are Loyal, Publication download options Indeed, Gods loyal ones make known to the sons of men his mighty acts and the glory of the splendor of his kingship. (Psalm 145:12) Do you seek and take full advantage of opportunities to speak to strangers about Jehovahs kingship? 18. (b)According to Hebrews 13:16, what sacrifices are pleasing to God? ; 24:10) This is in line with the apostle Pauls admonition: Speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.1Thess. 12 As noted earlier, the Bible tells us that Jehovahs loyal love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1) How is this so? The word loyalty may refer to what kind of relationship? It also moves us to make sacrifices in order to help them. 6 Today we might describe someone who has worked for the same company for many years as a loyal employee. 20. 20. He may not always agree with the policies of that company. The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2012, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom2005, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom (Study)2021, Continue Showing Loyal Love to One Another. To have his remains taken to Canaan, Jacob needed Josephs help. 4 As we learned in the preceding article, Jehovah reserves his loyal lovehis enduring feelings of loving attachmentfor those who love him and serve him. When Naomi saw that Ruth insisted on going with her, she stopped trying to convince her.Ruth 1:15-18. 8 Jehovah had already shown loving-kindness to Abraham. (a)How do Gods present-day servants show loving-kindness by actions? After extolling Jehovahs marvelous qualities, he states: Your loyal ones will bless you. (Psalm 145:10) You may wonder how humans can bless God. 17:17. Why do kindhearted brothers and sisters reach out to those who are distressed? | Such loyalty is not fickle. Next mwb22 January p. 6 EPUB But what happens when a wrongdoer proves to be incorrigibly wicked? Years after Jonathans death, David still continued to show loyal love to Jonathans son Mephibosheth.1Sam. (Ruth 2:14-18) What was Naomis reaction to Boaz generosity? opposed me, but now she exclaimed with joy: Jehovah . By listening, we can help a discouraged brother or sister (See paragraph12). 21 Now more than ever before is the time for those who fear Jehovah to call upon him in trueness. His loyal ones delight to use his name in their prayers and in the comments they make at their meetings. Shattered glass and toppling masonry. 15 In his loyal love, Jehovah repeatedly comes to the aid of his people when they are in distress. And who was the instigator of the conspiracy? 19. How grateful Naomi must have been that Ruth and Boaz did not give up on her! 12:25, ftn. As discussed in Chapter26, Jehovah does not bring up errors of the past for which a person has been pardoned. * (Ruth 2:19, 20b) Now I understand, she must have thought, Jehovah never left me. 13 We gain further insight into loyal love by considering what happened to Naomi after the death of her husband and two sons. She told them: I was full when I went, but Jehovah made me return empty-handed. (Ruth 1:21) Imagine how Ruth must have felt on hearing those words from Naomi! 6 Jehovahs loyal servants can also be identified by their courage and initiative in speaking to people who are not worshipers of the true God. This important aspect of loyal love is mentioned 26 times in Psalm 136. 16,17. Since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, each of us should be grateful that Jehovahs loyal love endures forever.Romans 3:23. 3 Was there no one who remained loyal to David? 7-8. 9 Jehovah is loyal in all that he does. (Psalm 145:17) In what way? How? (a)How did Ruth show loving-kindness to Naomi? For example, think of those who provide enduring emotional support to infirm, depressed, or grief-stricken fellow believers. What benefits come to those who show loyal love? When Naomi learned that Jehovah had turned his attention to his people by giving them food, she decided to return to her home. By his great loving-kindness, he has made it possible for the slave class to provide food in its season. Through such provisions, the desire of every living thing in the present-day spiritual paradise gets satisfied. (Dan. They felt a moral responsibility to display this quality toward those with whom they had a relationship, even as King David later felt obliged to manifest it with regard to Mephibosheth. His heart moved him to show loyal love to his dear friend Jonathan even though Jonathans father wanted to kill David. Second, by showing loyal love, we benefit ourselves. 20 Actually, there are afflicted ones crying for help in every Christian congregation. That scheming opportunist kept stealing the hearts of the men of Israel, setting himself up as a rival king. Ruths decision was an act of true loyal love. It will be an all-out attempt on the part of Satan to break the integrity of Gods loyal ones. 7, 8. Willingly and gently, Ruth helped her mother-in-law to regain her emotional and spiritual balance. They do so primarily by praising him or by speaking well of him. To whom should we show loyal love? When someone in the congregation falls on hard times, they do not hesitate to reach out to that person and help in practical ways. This may be the result of such factors as loneliness, discouragement, feelings of unworthiness, disappointment in others, serious illness, or the death of a loved one. 21. Because of Jehovahs loyalty, all his faithful servants have a reliable hope for the future. 11 The book of Ruth relates how the widow Naomi received loving-kindness from her Moabite daughter-in-law Ruth, who was also a widow. 21. JEHOVAH GOD'S Word exhorts us to love "loving-kindness." ( Micah 6:8, footnote) It also gives us reasons why we should do so. 7 The Bible says of Jehovah: You alone are loyal. (Revelation 15:4) How can that be? 3 In this article, we will consider the answers to four questions. Neither Abraham, Jacob, nor Naomi could fill those needs without help. TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH WILL BE REQUIRED; THE QUESTION, THEN, IS WHETHER IT IS BETTER, THAT IT SHALL BE GIVEN OR WITHHELD. In the opening verse, we read: "Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good; his loyal love endures forever." ( Ps. (Psalm 136:23,26). (a)How does Psalm 145 help us to identify Jehovahs loyal ones? Absaloms revolt gained so much momentum that King David was forced to flee for his life.2Samuel 15:1-6, 12-17. 6. 13 David mentioned that every living thing gets satisfied. Rather, it was because of Jehovahs love for you and because he kept the oath that he had sworn to your forefathers that Jehovah brought you out with a mighty hand, to redeem you from the house of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.Deuteronomy 7:7,8. (Ruth 1:16,17) Ruth chose to stick with Naomi, not because she had to, but because she wanted to. To deepen our understanding of loyal love, let us see how it compares with loyalty, as that term is commonly used. Is he not Gods chief loyal one? More is involved than faithfulness. Not only did Bethuel say, Here is Rebekah but he actually sent off Rebekah. (Genesis 24:51,59) Not only did Joseph say, I myself shall do in keeping with your word but he and his brothers did for Jacob exactly as he had commanded them. (Genesis 47:30; 50:12,13) Not only did Ruth say, Where you go I shall go but she left her people and accompanied Naomi, so that they both continued on their way until they came to Bethlehem. (Ruth 1:16,19) In Judah, Ruth again acted according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her. (Ruth 3:6) Yes, Ruths loving-kindness, like that of others, was expressed by actions. 7. Note how she expressed her feelings about God: The hand of Jehovah has turned against me. The Almighty has made life very bitter for me. She also said: It is Jehovah who opposed me and the Almighty who caused me calamity.Ruth 1:13, 20,21. Similarly today, loving-kindness should especially be shown to those in need. (Psalm 104:14) However, Jehovah sees to it that all their needs are satisfied. Loyally, Jehovah keeps such ones very much alive in his memory. He was a 1958 graduate of Andover Central School. 10. Then you will find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and man. A man of loyal love benefits himself. Whoever pursues righteousness and loyal love will find life.Prov. And everything he does will succeed. (Psalm 1:3) Imagine a luxuriant tree whose foliage never withers! 19. What will help us not to give up easily? 22-23. (a)Jacob asked his son Joseph to do what for him? What help did God provide? Like the first-century Macedonians, they do more than what is expected. Sorry, there was an error loading the video. How can we imitate the examples of Boaz and Ruth in showing loyal love to others? It is believed to come from the verb meaning "to be" or "to exist" and is likely the oldest Divine Name in human history. (b)Why will we consider some passages from the book of Ruth? I present this ten-volume set of Freethought books in two parts; the first part is the complete Ten Volume set of McCabe's Freethought Library, with all the pages of Advertising removed. One of the groups Hitler sent to the concentration camps were Jehovah's Witnesses, where they unjustly endured unspeakable atrocities and lose of life. 16 Be persistent. 11 Loyal love moves us to reach out to those in distress. Third, pursuing loyal love leads to future blessings, including everlasting life. The supreme name of God is YHWH (also known as Yahweh or Jehovah). (Ruth 1:14; 2:11) Even that act was surpassed by the last instance of loving-kindnessRuths willingness to marry Boaz. And to produce an heir, Naomi needed Ruths assistance. Throughout all his adversity, David knew that indeed there was. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The most outstanding feature of that sign is the work Jesus foretold for all of Gods loyal ones when he said: This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:3-14) Because Gods loyal ones are zealously fulfilling that prophecy, over six million men, women, and children are now sharing in this grand, never-to-be-repeated work. Indeed, we may ask: Is there any ruler who cares for all his subjects so much that he quickly comes to the aid of each one in times of trouble? (a)Why should we display loving-kindness? 10 How did Jehovah react to Naomis bitter words? And does loving-kindness differ from normal human kindness or from kindness in general? As foretold in Ezekiel chapter38, Satan will soon complete his role as Gog of the land of Magog. This will involve a worldwide attack on Jehovahs people. Explain how Jehovahs dealings with Israel highlight his loyalty. When Ruth offered to accompany her mother-in-law to Judah, Naomi at first objected. Moreover, their striking record of integrity during that war continues to help people to identify the true religion.Isaiah 2:2-4. (1John 4:8) Really, angels and humans may reflect Gods attributes, but only Jehovah is loyal to the superlative degree. Despite all of this, Naomi said: Jehovah made me return empty-handed. With those words, Naomi did not even acknowledge the support of Ruth, who was standing next to her. How do we benefit from showing loyal love? 19. 5 Does Jehovah take note when his loyal ones praise him? Bring, obedient mankind will experience his loyal ones praise him and why was decision... Loyal in all that he does Ruth, who was standing next to her to. 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